Accountants & Advisors
The idea of managing your own money for retirement is attractive to many people and is becoming very popular and now represents one of the largest areas of investment for retirement in Australia.
ABF Partners can help you manage your own super fund with ease and assist you to optimise the benefits of having a Self Managed Superannuation Fund.
Our services include;
Set up
Education – your role & responsibilities
Ongoing Administration – minutes & registers
Financial Advice – investment strategy, estate planning
Investment advice and management
Life Insurance needs (within the fund)
Year End Financial Reports and Tax Return Preparation and Lodgement
Develop pre and post Retirement Planning strategies
Independent Audit (outsourced where we handle administration & financial accounts & advice)
Actuary (outsourced – required for funds in pension phase
Having qualified professionals under one roof ensures our clients receive intelligent solutions, cost effectively and efficiently. Providing confidence and security to enable our clients to manage their wealth and achieve their financial goals.
If you have an existing SMSF, transferring to us is simple. We do not restrict your choice of investments. Your current arrangements can remain and continue to grow. We are here as professional support, it is our responsibility to keep you up to date with legislation changes, provide regular advice and feedback together with ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies.